March 1, 2018

These Daily Habits Are Killing Your Confidence


Few people are innocent of occasionally putting off for tomorrow what you could do today, but procrastinating can prove to be a confidence-corrupting habit.

It gives you the sense that you don’t have control over how your time is spent or whether you can complete things in a timely manner, creating a vicious cycle in which you blow a deadline, lose confidence in your ability to stay on top of things and do them on time, and then blow the next deadline.

But don’t despair. Simmons explains: “It’s actually an easy fix once you force yourself to take action on the tasks you visualize. I like to write down everything that I want to achieve for the day, and then reward myself for each task I’ve completed.

For example, if I need to read more, I’ll write down in my notepad, which I keep on my all throughout the day, that I need to read 50 pages from the book I started before I can go to bed. Make a game of it.”By focusing on the small tasks, you’ll break that procrastination habit.

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