October 19, 2018

These Are the 10 Best Ways to Save on Health Care Costs in Retirement

Borrow medical equipment

If you know you’ll need a medical device for a short time, such as while recovering from surgery, look through your options before buying a new item. “Community medical equipment lending programs, also known as loan closets, lend equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches and bath aids for minimal or no cost,” says Janice Selden, director of Great Lakes Loan Closets. “These organizations accept donated equipment from people in the community who no longer need it.

They clean the equipment, make sure it is in good condition and lend it to people who need it – usually those who are recovering from a hospital stay.” Many lending centers are geared specifically to seniors. To find an organization in your area, check with your local senior center or Commission on Aging.

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