Category Archives for "Living Tips"
It’s increasingly possible to live well past our nineties, if current trends hold. In fact, the population of people in the U.S. who are 100 years or older (aka, centenarians) grew nearly 44 percent from 2000 to 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But how are so many people making it […]
Read moreU.S. News & World Report releases a list of the best places to live in America every year. The best places to live 2017 ranking looked at five metrics: job market, value, quality of life, desirability, and net migration. The best place to live in America is Austin, Texas, followed by Denver, Colorado. Scores for […]
Read moreJust because you have health insurance doesn’t mean you should stop being vigilant when it comes to paying for your medical care. Only you can be your biggest health- and money-saving advocate.
Read moreEASY WAYS TO BE MORE SATISFIED WITH YOUR LIFE You might have a constant stream of success, and, with it, a constant stream of unfulfillment. The missing ingredient? Satisfaction. Here are the best tips and tactics for how to get it.
Read moreBad moods… they happen to the best of us, right? Sometimes there’s a specific reason for feeling out of sorts, and other times it’s one of those unfortunate funks that seem to sneak in and grab you when you least expect it. That’s the not-so-good news. The better news is that bad moods aren’t too […]
Read moreYOUR FLU SHOT FEAR Each time you encounter the intense inflammation that can accompany the flu, you release chemicals that damage blood vessels and may raise the risk of inflammatory-rooted diseases like heart disease later in life.
Read moreStates Where Americans are Paying the Most Taxes In the U.S. federalist system, each state government decides how to generate revenue — that is, which taxes to collect, and how. No state tax code is identical and, largely as a result, what the average American pays annually in taxes varies from state to state. According […]
Read moreTHEY HAVE HELP Why is it that the busy mom with four kids is the one who is head of the PTA? And what about that two-job-in-the-city power couple who has three kids? How do they do it? In both of these (real world) situations, both families have full-time help with caring for their kids, […]
Read moreThere’s an invisible code as to how the world operates—how human beings interact with each other, how we worship, relate with our parents, perform at work, fall in love, make money, and stay healthy and happy. I started my career as a computer programmer spending hours in front of a screen trying to understand the […]
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